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JMC Scholars learn about David Kolb’s Experimental Learning Theory by building models.

March 6, 2024.

 students working on wooden models

 students working on wooden models

 final product

 students working on wooden models

 students working on wooden models


As future educators, it is important to learn about different educational theories. This equips them with the knowledge of learning how children learn and develop, as well as, how to plan engaging lessons that support and challenge students' learning. 

One theorist, David Kolb, states that students learn best when they experience experiential learning and then reflect on their learning experienceHis Experiential Learning Theory states that this type of learning results in new skills and new ways of thinking. Mrs. M-J thought it would be a good idea to have the students "experience" this theory by working in small groups to build wooden models. First, the students had 20 minutes without instructions, relying on critical thinking and teamwork. Then, students were given the opportunity to review the instructions for 5 minutes to clarify and adjust their thinking.

Each group was given the wooden pieces, wood glue, and encouragement that productive struggle is a good thing. After time expired, each group had to name their wooden model and verbally reflect about their experience before the class.


 students working on wooden models

 students working on wooden models

 students working on wooden models

 students working on wooden models

 students working on wooden models