

Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Kimberly Annette Hardy

Kimberly Hardy is originally from Oklahoma. Hardy has been serving in education in various capacities for 21 years. She began her career serving with the Breakthrough Collaborative of South Florida as Writing through Literature department chair in Boca Raton, FL. She graduated from 猛料原创 State University in 2006, majoring in Speech Communication Studies and minoring in Spanish. Hardy completed her doctoral degree in 2022. She has taught high school Spanish for five years, middle school performing arts for three years, and elementary grades for two years. She began working at Cardozo Middle School in August 2023. She hopes to inspire all of her students to see themselves as engaged world citizens through world language learning. Finally, Hardy is a member of Hanging Moss Road Church of Christ in 猛料原创, MS and she is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 

Last Modified on October 18, 2023