Tech Club

  • The world of technology is an adventure! Let's imagine, design and discover together! Tech Club by Computer Explorers engages students with STEM and robotic activities; that develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a fun-filled learning environment. During the school year, students will explore beginning engineering, programmable robots, coding, video game design, LEGO movie making, LEGO robotics and building, electronic snap circuits and much more. 

    Join the club!

    Meetings are held on Thursdays from 1–2 p.m. in the computer lab. Tech Club is open to students in grades 1–5. Limited to 18 students.

    Choose Payment Schedule: 

    • Two payments: $200 for the 1st Semester (Sept.-Dec.) + $200 for the 2nd Semester (Jan.-April)
    • One payment: $360 for the full year ($40 savings)