
Phone: (601) 960-5369


Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Valerie Bradley, NBCT, Ph.D., Principal

Dr. Bradley is a highly-qualified K-12 instructional leader. She previously served as the Director of School Support for the Office of Federal Programs in 猛料原创. For more than a decade, she was a building-level administrator, serving as an Assistant Principal and Principal at Powell Middle School; and Principal at both Blackburn Middle and Boyd Elementary Schools. She became the science department chair as well as the Science Engineering and Mathematics Enhancement Coordinator (SECME) during the six years she taught at Northwest 猛料原创 Middle School. Dr. Bradley has also taught on the college level as an adjunct professor at 猛料原创 State University. Additionally, she has attended and presented at a number of professional educator conferences.


Dr. Bradley holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Tougaloo College and completed her Educator Certification at Belhaven University. She completed her Master of Science in Teaching Biology and Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration and Supervision Degrees from 猛料原创 State University. Dr. Bradley has also taken classes at both Tennessee and Alabama State University. While teaching at Northwest, Dr. Bradley earned a National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification in Early Adolescent Science. Currently, Dr. Bradley is the proud Principal of Lanier High School, located in the heart of the Georgetown Community on 833 West Maple Street, deemed as “The Newest Address of Excellence.”

Last Modified on January 27, 2022