Realizing Excellence for ALL Children in Mississippi (REACH MS)

  • Realizing Excellence for ALL Children in Mississippi (REACH MS) is Mississippi’s State Personnel Development Grant which focuses primarily on supporting school-wide and district-wide implementation of Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.  Awarded to The Mississippi Department of Education in 2005, the grant is operated by the University of Southern Mississippi’s Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education.


    The purpose of REACH MS is to:

    • Provide high-quality professional development opportunities meeting the needs of educators, related service providers, families and children of our state. 
    • Increase the engagement of stakeholders within and beyond the Mississippi Department of Education to support a more unified, sustainable structure of professional development processes, products, and opportunities for both pre-service and in-service educators.
    • Engage and support local education agencies, institutes of higher learning, families, and other stakeholders to increase Mississippi's capacity to meet state goals relevant to PBIS through program improvement.




Last Modified on October 6, 2023